Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pooram Pictures - 5: Poothan and Thira...

Here is another picture of a common site during Pooram festivals in North Kerala...
Though the title says Poothan and Thira, the picture shows only two Poothan's. Since Poothan and Thira always go together, I didn't want to separate them :)

Poothan and Thira is a dance form performed infront of people during such festive occasions and is considered as a good sign if the Poothan and Thira comes to your house and perform. It is considered that they clean the evil spirits.
Poothan and Thira together visit the Hindu houses during Pooram festival with their musicians. During the morning of Pooram festival, people await the arrival of Poothan and Thira to their houses and welcome them. It is believed that they represent the goddess who visits her devotees and blesses them.

From the wikipedia, - "A typical Poothan Thira performance comprising mostly shouts and wild gestures. The duo is immensely popular amongst the natives and an essential part of the village festivals of the region. Poothan player usually wear in bright (usually red), tightly woven costumes embellished with gold-coloured trinkets. Their larger than life headdresses with peacock features and imposing masks with stick out tongues and eyes are sure to leave an unbelievable imagination to the viewer. Thira player wears semicircular black crown mounted on his head with symbols of the goddess embossed on the same. We can see may Thira players with extra ordinary acrobatic skills who make the performance to a real treat to watch."

I'll try to get a picture of both Poothan and Thira together. I guess I have a video of both of them performing, just have to find it and upload.
Until next time, ciao....

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